Hail Damage` protection

April 10, 2015

How can you protect against hail damage?

Hail in handHail is formed when raindrops pass through currents of freezing air and turn into small blocks of ice. Hailstones can be as small as peas or as large as softballs, and the larger ones can cause injury and serious damage (Hail Facts, IBHS). The average hailstorm lasts only five minutes, but the damage totals about $1 billion a year, according to the National Weather Service.

Because hail can occur during strong thunderstorms, hailstorms may spring up during any season. But being prepared – and knowing what to do – can help you stay safe and keep damage to a minimum.

Here are four ways to minimize hail damage to your auto, home or business:

  • Large hail can shatter windows. Closing the drapes, blinds or window shades can help prevent the wind from blowing broken glass into your home or buildings.
  • Whenever possible, park your vehicles inside a garage or under a carport.
  • Patio and lawn furniture can be dented, broken or even shattered by hail. Move these items indoors or under a covered area when not in use.
  • Consider replacing the roof on your home or business with impact-resistant material if you live in a hail-prone area. For guidance on making the right choices for roof coverings, visit the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety website.

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